
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package hevs
    Definition Classes
  • package graphics

    A library used for teaching computer science in the ISC degree programme, notably for the course _101.1 Imperative programming_.

    A library used for teaching computer science in the ISC degree programme, notably for the course _101.1 Imperative programming_.

    The library provides classes for simple graphical drawing, with primitives such as points and lines drawing, simple text with different fonts, ... Input primitives are also available using keyboard or mouse. Several examples are also provided.


    Here is how to create a window and draw a circle on it using FunGraphics :

    val f = new FunGraphics(400, 300)
    f.drawCircle(200,150, 50)
  • package utils

    Provides classes for simplified input from the console and various other functions



package hevs

Package Members

  1. package graphics

    A library used for teaching computer science in the ISC degree programme, notably for the course _101.1 Imperative programming_.

    A library used for teaching computer science in the ISC degree programme, notably for the course _101.1 Imperative programming_.

    The library provides classes for simple graphical drawing, with primitives such as points and lines drawing, simple text with different fonts, ... Input primitives are also available using keyboard or mouse. Several examples are also provided.


    Here is how to create a window and draw a circle on it using FunGraphics :

    val f = new FunGraphics(400, 300)
    f.drawCircle(200,150, 50)
  2. package utils

    Provides classes for simplified input from the console and various other functions
