Setup Guide
You will need a Mikrotik router, a USB key with an ext4 partition and two ethernet cables, one to connect the router to your pc and the other one to give internet access to the router.
Powering up and updating os version
- Power up router (don't forget to plug in the antenna!). Connect to your PC via ethernet cable.
- Provide an internet connection to the router via another ethernet cable.
- Install and start winBox, you should see your device listed.
- Login to it with the admin pwd written on the bottom of your device (admin/WBJ6PZ033W), now it should be admin/toto1234.
- Install latest version (7.14.1) of routerOS, you will need routerOS > V7.5 to be able to run containers. This can be done from inside WinBox by opening System/Package.
You may also need to update the routerBoard Version in system/RouterBOARD.
Install the container.npk. Download the all_package zip corresponding to your hardware architecture and software version (check with /system/resource/print), extract and drop the container.npk into winBox and restart the router with /sys reboot. After restarting, you should see a new tab called container in WinBox.
- To activate the container feature, enter /system device-mode update container=yes in the terminal. Then press the reset button of the router when asked so.
Configuration setup
A configuration script of a working system has been exported and is available in the github repo in router_config/config.rsc.
- Upload config.rsc to the router via WinBox.
- Import the script if not executed automatically:
import config.rsc
- You can also run and adapt the commands listed in config.rsc manually in the router terminal if something is not working.
Upgrading the container image
If you already have a working router but need to upgrade only the container image you can do the following:
- Login via WinBox.
- Make sure to give an internet access to the router via a ethernet cable.
- Open the Container window to stop and delete the current container.
- Open a terminal and enter:
add remote-image=stevedevenes/hybridproctor-arm:latest interface=veth1 root-dir=usb1/hybridProctorContainer start-on-boot=yes mounts=mount,uploads
- The container should appear in the Container window: Start it!
Changing the Wifi SSID / password
To avoid having multiple wifi with the same name, please change the SSID of any new configured system.
- In the Wifi window, open the wifi1 network pannel.
- Change the SSID in the Configuration tab
- Change the passphrase in the Security tab.